Tuesday 16 June 2015


          A school of philosophy is a system of philosophical doctrines uphold by a group of people accepted as authoritative Philosophy is not a monolithic field. In addition to being divided in to different branches of enquiry each branch has its own schools of thoughts and systems. These systems are coherent ideologies or friends which inform how people answer the question asked in the Philosophy. The important schools of Philosophy are idealism, Naturalism, Realism, Pragmatism, and Existentialism.
          Idealism is the oldest school of Philosophy. It is as old as plato in the west and vedic Rishis in the East It is so traditional and antique. It is the ism of ideas to Plato. He synonymously used ‘idea’ with soul, spirit and mind. Every thing in this world has an idea behind it. Idea is abstract but permanent. Thing made by idea are concrete, but not permanent.
           Idealism is school of philosophy which believes that mind or spirit is the only reality. Man exists out of his body. Mind determines the material existence of the world. The spirit or soul of man or any living is a part of the universal spirit. The individual soul comes from the universal soul and goes back to the same. The existence is a universal divine idea. There is nothing created out of this idea, It is like water in the earth. Idealism clearly states whether in the west or in the east, that there are two elements mind and the body. Mind has separate existence without body as idea has its own existence without matter. Mind is beyond all destructions. Though the concrete material made by idea can be destroyed the idea will exist. Idealism says mind is spiritual and idea is divine.
      In the philosophic sense, idealism is a system that emphasizes the pre-eminent importance of mind, soul or spirit. The following are the important tenets of idealism.
Ø Ideas are the source of reality.
Ø Ideas are more important then objects.
Ø Reality is simply the product of the mind.
Ø The only real things are mental entities, not physical things.
Ø The ultimate reality is spiritual in nature.
Ø The human spirit is the most important element in nature, life.
Ø Spiritual nature of man is the essence of his being.
Ø The universe is essentially non material in its ultimate nature.
Ø It is mind that is central in understanding the world.
Ø Values are absolute and fixed.
Ø All knowledge is independent of sense experience.
Ø This world is the expression of mind.

         Idealism point out that it is mind that is central in understanding world. They considered education as something which leads one to the highest moral conduct and deepest spiritual in sight. It is through education that man is lead to realize the heist values of life; truth, beauty and Goodness. The influence of idealist philosophy on different aspects of education is discussed below.

          Self realization is the ultimate aim of idealistic education means to highest potentialities of self; in  a social and cultural environment and to enhance and enrich human personality. The other aims of education are the following.

v To ensure spiritual development of the individual
v To preserve, enrich and transmit the cultural heritage of man.
v To explore and realize universal values such as truth, goodness and beauty in human life.
v To cultivate a universal mind and moral values.
v To emancipate or liberate human spirit and ultimately facilitate its union with god.

      The idealist curriculum is based upon the spiritual nature of man. It attaches great importance to those subjects which are essential for the realization of mental and moral development.lmportant features of idealistic curriculum are;
ü Curriculum may include any subject that is good enough to foster spiritual development and create an ideal self.
ü It should reflect the experience of the human race as a whole.
ü Idealism attached great importance to humanities, culture, art, history, philosophy, literature and religion.
ü Curriculum should contain such subjects which will bring about intellectual, aesthetic and moral development of man.
ü Indian idealistic educationist swami Vivekananda emphasized the importance of industrial education while Gandhiji emphasized the importance of craft in his scheme of education. When Tagore gave due importance to fine arts in his system of education, Aurobindo gave equal importance to material and spiritual aspects.

Idealism does not say any thing emphatically about the method of leaching. Different idealistic educationists have adopted different teaching method. The following are the important features of the methods of teaching adopted by idealistic educationists.
·        Socrates used dialectics (question answer) method. Dialectics is a method of discovering the truth of ideas by discussion and logical argument and by considering ideas that are opposed to each other.
·        Plato emphasized conversation or discourse method, and Aristotte advocated inductive deductive method.
·        Logical measuring is the method adopted by ltegel, while Descartes employed the device of simple to complex.
·        Herbert advocated instruction method; froebd insisted open play-way method, whereas Pestalozzi considered practice and repetition to be the best method.
·        Questioning, discussion, lecture limitation and talk in group are other method acceptable for idealists.

    Idealism advocates rigorous discipline in education idealists hold the view that spiritual development of the child is possible only if the child is kept under strict control. The following re the important views of discipline held by idealists: 
·        Idealists attach importance to impressionistic discipline (discipline maintained by knowing the needs and interests of the child and expression of love and sympathy for him) in comparison with repressionistic discipline.
·        Idealism emphasizes sympathetic control on the undesirable activities of the child and grants regulated liberty for his spiritual development.
·        The thrust of idealism is on self discipline through self knowledge.
·        According to idealism, discipline must always take the shape of self discipline, because only then can it guide the child along the path of self realization.
·        In idealistic education, discipline is realized through developing such qualities as self resignation, self control, self guidance, obedience, humanity, politeness etc.
    Ideatism gives prominent place to the teacher. It considers teacher as the spiritual guide for the child. He is a co-worker with god in perfecting man. The following are the important role of an idealistic teacher.
*    Idealism considers teacher as a spiritual guide who carries the child from darkness to light.
*    Idealism considers teacher as a friend, philosopher and guide.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
*    Idealism considers teacher as the embodiment of all virtues and ideas and as such he should present high standards of behaviour and conduct before the pupils.
*    Idealist teacher is considered as gardener who nurtures the tender plants of human spirit to bloom. Teacher is the Liaison agent between the microscopic self of the child and the absolute self ic God.
      The important contributions as idealism as philosophy of education;

*    Idealism presents the highest and widest aims and ideals of education which have been emphasized by contemporary educational philosophers in the east and west.
*    The goal of idealists is universal education. It holds that every human being must receive a chance to be educated. All progressive society upholds this view and strives to attain it.
*    Idealism believes in eternal values. This has presented with an ever valid standard for measuring human conduct and behaviour in educational system.
*    Idealism has laid great emphasis on the dignity of individual and personality of the child. It has resulted in fresh look at human relations in teaching.
*    Even in the modern age of digital technology the idealist view of teacher is treated widely as the best outlook of an ideal teacher.
*    Idealist education emphasizes the inculcation of highest values namely, truth, beauty and goodness. this will lead to  the development of moral character of the child.
*    The idealist teacher influences the by his high ideals of life and by his sympathetic encouraging behaviour. This achieves the fullest development of child’s personality.
*    Idealistic philosophy restores man to his proper place and thus the school has grown in to his an important social organization.
*    Idealism laid emphasis upon an integrated curriculum which may include every branch of knowledge. It is the most liberal, dynamic and multisided curriculum.
*    Idealism envisages self- discipline through self knowledge contemporary educationists unanimously accept the need of freedom and discipline and agree that self discipline is the only way of proper development.
        The following are the important short coming of idealist philosophy in education.
*    Idealism is an abstract and vague doctrine. It avoids the present realities and prepares the child for the next world.
*    It emphasizes the eternal values of life and absolute truth. Educating the child to adjust with ever-changing social environment necessitates a dynamic value system rather then state.
*    Idealism may be considered to be outdated in the prevailing scientific world view as there is a great change in prevailing value system.
*    Idealism ignores psyclogical nature of the child and neglects his physical self.
*    Idealism does not contribute much to the progressive methods of teaching.
*    Over emphasis on spiritual aspects neglects social aspects of life.
*    As a philosophy of education, idealism sets unobtainable goals.
*    Teacher is the central figure in idealistic education modern psychology emphasizes the prime and central importance of child.
*    Idealism under estimate the study of scientific and technological subject.
*    Idealism is individualists in nature and it neglects social aspects of life.

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